Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kool Keith album cover

  • Here are a couple quick examples of cd covers that I have made on Cs4.I love designing covers they are fun and you can get reel creative with it.The dinosaur theme right here is a classic.
  •  I also put kool keith next to some hot nurses because hes always got patients waiting in the waiting room.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hi This is my Blog(RgDesign2)

Hi I'm Richard G this is my graphic design blog.I will put some digital works and keep you updated on any new work and things I learn.And if you have any questions or comments feel free to post.
  This is a local Hip Hop Flyer I did for a Hip Hop Artist out of the *818.This is his Itunes promo flyer.I heard their album and its really hot flows.But yea I added some filters on a burning building.Dropped their pictures in and added some finishing touches on it.