Monday, June 11, 2012

I went back into my arkyves to find some cool stuff

 I went through my external drive I found at my friends house and found tons of older logos and fun stuff i created last year.If you are interested in some cool design i got a couple concepts we can discuss..Thank you for viewing the new post.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Look for a way in to the future

 I uploaded a ton of new projects for every one to look at.
I changed the name of my crew and have been working alot and
making new music.I love hip hop and design and you know this yo.
Tons of new covers
 You all know who this is,,,whooooooo whooooooo
Here is a link to the Ric Flair song.

 This is a new designer label im starting this fall.Still working on designs
 A business that collects priority mail stickers from
all kinds of Los angeles graffiti writers and makes cool videos.
 This man Pierre is wanted for brutally attacking a women in the west valley.He is
extremely dangerous so beware of this vicious individual.
 A cool girl wanted me to make this for her on the day of the Celtics game.
 New song by yello blac.Really tight.
 A nice logo i made for a cool rap group from Los angeles.Its on fireee
 A drink label.For the dodgers.
 A logo for a sports company out of the 310.
 This is a business card i did
for a sound engineer in van nuys.Alot of friends liked this one.
 Haha a party flyer.I had fun with this.Lots of layers and cool special effects.